NetAct 2024
Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering of
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Mar Ivanios Vidyanagar
Nalanchira P.O, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, India
We would like to invite you to contribute to and participate in the 9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication (ICSCC 2023), which will be held in Kochi, Kerala during August 17 – 19, 2023. ICSCC 2023 will offer researchers, delegates and scholars an incredible chance to interact with each other and share their experience and knowledge in ‘Intelligent Technologies and Applications’. The goal of ICSCC 2023 is to provide the perfect platform for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to share their experience, foster collaborations among industry and academia, and get enlightened about the state-of the-art advancements in their respective domains.
The theme for ICSCC 2023 is ‘Intelligent Technologies and Applications’. The 9th edition of ICSCC aims to provide the delegates the perfect stage to discuss the recent advancements and latest technological trends on Intelligent Technologies and their practical applications in diverse domains related to Computer Science, Communication, and Energy Systems. Looking forward to seeing you at ICSCC in Kochi, India in August 2023!
Call for paper open
Full paper submission deadline
Nortification of Acceptance
Camera Ready Submission
Final Submission
The theme for ICSCC 2023 is ‘Intelligent Technologies and Applications’. The 9th edition of ICSCC aims to provide the delegates the perfect stage to discuss the recent advancements and latest technological trends on Intelligent Technologies and their practical applications in diverse domains related to Computer Science, Communication, and Energy Systems. Topics of interest for ICSCC 2023 include, but are not limited to:
Smart Computing
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Trusted Computing; Cloud Computing; Data Management, Exploration and Mining; Grid Computing; Mobile Computing; Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation; P2P Competing Parallel and Distributed Algorithms; Pattern Recognition and Analysis; Reconfigurable Computing Robotics and Human Machine Interface Security; Trust and Privacy Simulation; Modeling Systems and Software Engineering; Ubiquitous and High-Performance Computing.
Communication and Signal Processing
Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Networks; Communication Architecture; Algorithms, Modeling and Evaluation; Control Systems and Applications; Delay Tolerant Networks; Fault Tolerance, Reliability and Survivability; Flow and Congestion Control; Multimedia and Real-Time Networking; Optical Networks and Systems Protocols and Standards; Satellite and Space Communications; Sensor/Embedded Networks and Pervasive; Computing Smart Spaces and Personal Area Networks; Social Network Behaviors; Modeling, And Analysis; Vehicular, Underground and Underwater Networks; Software Defined Networking. , Smart Grid Systems, Intelligent Control, Robotics, Smart Communication System Models.
Technology (Systems for a secure world)
5G Networks & Internet of Things (IoT); Heterogeneous Networks; Web of Things; High Performance Internet Protocols; Identity Management and Object Recognition; Information Theory and Coding; Internet Security and Privacy Localization; Technologies Mobility Models and Mobile Networks Mobility; Localization and Management Aspects Routing and Control Protocols; Wearables, Body Sensor Networks; Smart Portable Devices; Web-based Learning; Innovation and Challenges. , Smart Machine learning Systems and models, Deep learnt networks, Evolutionary Systems,NLP, Secture Systems, IoT/IoE Security.
Intelligent Systems and Analytics
Agricultural Informatics and Communication; Big Data Analytics; Bio-inspired Optimization; Community Information Systems; Remote Sensing; GIS and GPS; Disaster Management; E-governance; E-Commerce; E-Business; E-Learning Forensics and Informatics; Informatics Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms; Hybrid Intelligent Systems; Neural Networks; Neuro-Fuzzy Models and Applications; Neuro Informatics Open Source: Challenges and Opportunities; Smart grid and Renewable Energy.
Smart Embedded Systems
Low Power Electronics; VLSI Systems; Nano Electronics; FPGA Development; System on Chip; Embedded Applications; Embedded Memory Architecture; System Automation; Power Electronics and Control Scheme.
Energy Systems and Power Electronics
Power Generation; Transmission and Distribution; Power System Monitoring; Control and Protection; Energy: Renewable Energy Sources , Grid integration of renewables, system integration of renewables, power system operation and control, power electronics for renewables, grid code regulation, demand side response, forecasting of renewable resources and load; Microgrids, smart grids and distributed generation: Architecture, sizing, topologies and control methods, distributed generation; Energy storage: methods, modelling, design and simulation. Electric Vehicles: Charging (slow, medium, boost), battery management system, hybrid vehicles, grid integration of electric vehicles. Control theory and applications: Industrial Applications of Control, Process Control Systems.